- Advanced graduate students (post-comprehensive exam)
- Postdoctoral students
- Faculty (pre-tenure) working on research projects that would benefit from collaboration with the Iowa Care Lab
Residency requirement:
- 2 to 3 weeks; the in-person residency establishes the beginning of research, to be continued with monthly zoom collaborations
Topics are open, but special consideration will be given to the following topics:
- Modeling care in systems of social cooperation (philosophers of science are invited to apply)
- Care in social ontology
- Care in constructivism
Fellows will receive a $3,000 stipend which also funds their travel and housing while in Iowa City. Fellows may choose a 2 to 3-week duration during the Fall semester 2025 for their residency.
- Each fellow will be expected to lead a workshop meeting for the Care Lab, presenting their research to Care Lab participants and to the broader community.
To apply, use the Apply Now button to submit a 500 word summary of your project description, a 1-2 page bibliography, and a letter of recommendation.
Deadline for applications: May 1, 2025
Questions? Contact us at carelab-iowa@uiowa.edu. Thank you!